Adult participants must be 18 or older who are homeless
Capable of pursuing individualized goal-setting that will lead to self-sufficiency; active participation in life skills training to enhance personal and professional skills
Willing to actively pursue alternatives that will change their situation of homelessness
Reasons why an individual could not stay at Hope House:
Proven danger to self or others
Actively psychotic
Incapable of self-care
Unwilling to participate or cooperate in the established program
Qualifies for an alternative program better suited for the participant
Hope House Offers:
Housing in a supportive, empowerment-based environment, for a length of up to two years
Confidential Case Management Services
Confidential Supportive Services Management
Educational/Vocational Training Assistance, including Comprehensive Life Skills Training Program
Transportation Assistance for emergency medical needs
Educational Opportunities, including GED preparation
Emotional support: group meetings, empowerment-based discussions, peer support
Clothing/Personal Items/Tangible needs
Parenting Classes
Child Care Assistance
After School Tutoring Program through Rapides Parish School Board