$217.39 a Day
If you could make a difference in the struggle of the homeless, would you? Read on.
A donation of $217.39 means that 30+ homeless women and children will have food, safe shelter, and much more, for one more day. Hope House of Central Louisiana is a homeless shelter for women and children. On any given day, 30+ women and children are provided not only food and shelter, but life skills, education and coaching that empowers them on a path of self reliance and independence.
Hope House gives a hand up, not a hand out. That "hand up" requires a lot behind the scenes and we're asking for help. Beginning October 1st, there are 92 days left in 2023. It takes an average of $217.39 each day to operate Hope House. Fundraisers, volunteer work, grants and much appreciated donations, isn't always enough.
If you'd like to be a $217.39 daily partner with us, click here to make a donation. If your employer or church or any other group you know would like to donate or adopt multiple days, that would be great. While $217.39 is the needed amount to operate Hope House every day, any amount is appreciated. Click here to donate online.
We appreciate your help. It WILL make a difference. Thank you.